Turkeys See In The Dark

Can Turkeys See In The Dark

Turkeys are believed to have excellent eyesight but does that mean they can see in the dark? In this article we unravel the truth about turkeys.


Can Turkeys See In The Dark

No, turkeys cannot see in the dark. This is mainly because they do not have any night vision and because of that they tend to sleep on trees during the night as a way of protecting themselves from predators. It is recommended that turkeys should be hunted during sunset since they will be more vulnerable during this time.

Eyesight Of Turkeys

Although turkeys cannot see in the dark, they actually have excellent eyesight during the day time. It is believed that they can see 3 times better than humans and they can spot a predator from afar during the day time. Below are some fascinating facts about the eyesight of a turkey.

  • Turkeys see in color mainly because their eyes are made up of a mix of cone and rod photoreceptors. They also have flattened corneas which enable them to see a variety of colors.
  • They have periscopic vision which enables them to see what is happening right around them during the day time.
  • Turkeys have monocular periscope vision and can see about 270 degrees around them. This is also because their eyes can move independently from each other.
  • They can see UV light mainly because they have a cone in their retinas that is spectral sensitive.
  • Turkeys can see better than humans mainly because they have 7 types of photoreceptors and 1 rod whereas humans have 1 type of rod and only 3 types of cones in their retinas.
  • They can spot objects that are far away from them.
  • During day time, turkeys can bob their heads and rotate their necks in order to increase vision.

Guidelines When Hunting Turkeys In The Dark

As previously mentioned in this article, it is recommended to hunt turkeys in the evening or at sunset. This is because they do not have night vision so they will be highly vulnerable. While this might seem like any easy task, there are a few things you need to know before you embark on this activity.

  • Turkeys have a cone in their eyes which is spectral sensitive which means it can detect UV lights. So never wear camo when going to hunt for these animals.
  • Never wear clothes that were washed using a laundry detergent that contains brighteners since it leaves UV residue which can be detected by turkeys at night.
  • They have good hearing and can detect low frequency sounds better than humans, so never make an unnecessary sounds when trying to catch a turkey.
  • Never wear any reflective clothing when trying to hunt down turkeys at night as they will most certainly spot you.
  • Try to carry a hunting blind with you as it will help you blend into their natural surroundings.

How Far Turkeys Can See

Although turkeys cannot see in the dark, they have excellent vision during the day. Turkeys can see clearly up to a distance of 3 miles or further provided there is no obstacle in the way. Turkeys can see 3 times better than humans and they can detect motion or movements from a distance. Turkeys can also see what is going on around them without moving their necks. They are able to detect things that are happening within 270 degrees of their surrounding which is something most animals and humans cannot do.

What Colors Do Turkeys See Best?

Turkeys are able to detect all types of colors including UV light. These animals have excellent vision and during the day time they can spot people and other predators. Hunting turkeys during daytime is not advisable since there is a slim chance that you will catch any mainly because they will run away.

Do Turkeys Walk Around At Night?

Turkeys are afraid of the dark and as such they try to avoid walking in the dark. These animals cannot see at night and they usually hide in trees in order to protect themselves from predators. If you plan on hunting these animals, its best to do it at night since they will be more vulnerable during this time.

Can Turkeys See In Color?

Yes, turkeys can see in color. This is mainly because they have a cone which is spectral sensitive and can also detect UV light. So if you are going to be hunting these animals never wear reflective clothing as they will be able to spot you.

Where Do Turkeys Rest At Night?

During the night turkeys rest in trees. This is mainly because they will be trying to protect themselves from predators since they are unable to see at night. When turkeys are in trees, they can detect motion or movement from far away.

Are Turkeys Intelligent?

Yes, turkeys are intelligent animals. This is mainly because they know that they cannot see in the dark so they resort to sleeping in the trees in order to protect themselves, Furthermore, they can spot things or predators from over 3km. They also have the ability to see what is happening within 270 degrees of their surroundings. Turkeys also have the ability to see color meaning they can spot when a predator is approaching.

Can Cows See In The Dark?

Yes, cows can see in the dark. This is mainly because they have an extra reflective layer behind their retinas known as tapetum lucidum. This extra protective layer allows cows to pick up lower levels of light and see in the dark. So as long as there are low levels of light be it from the stars or moon, cows will be able to see in the dark.

Final Words

Turkeys have exceptional eyesight however, they cannot see in the dark. This is mainly because they do not have night vision. So if you are planning a hunting trip, its best that you try to catch the turkeys at sunset rather than during the day. This is because during the day they will spot you but at night they will be vulnerable.