Jersey Giant Chicken Lifespan

Jersey Giant Chicken Lifespan

The Jersey Giant chicken is popular for its large size and while farmers love keeping it for both meat and egg production, its slow maturity rate is why most farmers never keep it for commercial production. In this article we will be looking at the lifespan of the Jersey Giant chicken and other characteristics of this chicken you should know about.


Jersey Giant Chicken Lifespan

The lifespan of a Jersey Giant chicken is approximately 6 to 12 years when it is well cared for. However, this chicken can only lay eggs for 4 to 5 consecutive years. During their expected lifespan, Jersey Giant chickens can lay between 150- 200 eggs per year, which is approximately 2 to 4 eggs per week. The eggs are usually larger in size as compared to other chicken eggs and they also have a brown color.

How To Increase The Lifespan Of Jersey Giant Chickens

If you want your Jersey Giant to have a lifespan of about 12 years, it’s important that you take good care of it. Below are a few pointers you can use.

Provide Adequate Feed

One of the best ways to ensure that your Jersey Giant chickens have an increased lifespan is to provide them with adequate feed. These type of chickens have a low feed conversion rate and as a result you need to provide them with a lot of feed. Providing these chickens with enough feed will help them to grow and mature faster.

Provide Proper Shelter

Jersey Giant chickens need good shelter in order for them to survive for a longer period of time. The shelter should have the right temperatures and it should be able to keep water away. Jersey Giant chickens are large in size, meaning your coop should have enough room to accommodate them. 1 Jersey Giant usually requires 6 to 8 square feet of coop space. These chickens can also stand up to 28 inches which means your coop must have enough head room space for them.

Provide Enough Water

Jersey Giant chicken need a lot of water in order to survive during the summer time. Some of these chickens are very vulnerable to heat stroke and in order to prevent that from happening please ensure that your birds have enough clean water to consume.

Build Low Roosts

If you want to extend the lifespan of your Jersey Giant chickens, it is very important that you build low roosts. This is mainly because, these chickens cannot fly so getting into high roosts can be difficult for them. If your roosts are high, there is a good chance that the chickens will hurt themselves whilst trying to get up and down. It is recommended that the roosts should be approximately 16 inches from the ground so that these birds can easily access them.

Provide Them With Room For Running And Roaming

These chickens enjoy running and foraging for their own food. This means that if you have space in your backyard, you need to give your chickens the opportunity to run and roam around it. Keeping these birds confined in one area increases their chances or getting overcrowded, getting diseases or even death.

Facts About Jersey Giant Chickens

  • Jersey Giant chickens originated in New Jersey.
  • It is the largest chicken breed in the world.
  • Jersey Giant roosters weigh up to 15 pounds whilst the hens weigh up to 11 pounds.
  • Jersey Giant chickens can be found in 3 colors which are blue, black and white.
  • The black Jersey Giant chickens weigh more than the white ones.
  • Hens usually break their eggs because of their weight which is why farmers should remove them earlier.

Are Jersey Giant Chickens Noisy?

The only time that are Jersey Giant chicken makes noise is when it is about to lay eggs or when the rooster crows. Apart from these incidences, these chickens are known to be quite well behaved and they can be kept in urban areas. So if you are looking for a chicken to keep in urban areas, then the Jersey Giant is a good option since it is not noisy.

How Big Do Jersey Giants Grow?

Jersey Giants can grow between 11 to 15 pounds. They are the largest breed of chickens in the world. These birds can be kept for both meat and egg production.

How Many Eggs Do Jersey Giant Chickens Lay Per Year?

Jersey Giant chickens lay approximately 150 to 200 eggs a year. The eggs that they lay are usually large in size. The average number of eggs these birds can lay in a week is between 2 to 4 eggs.

Are Jersey Roosters Aggressive?

No, Jersey roosters are not aggressive. They are actually one of the most docile roosters however, because of their size, many people tend to be intimidated by them.

Are Jersey Giants Protective?

Yes, Jersey giants are very protective of their chicks. If someone tries to touch them, they can get a little bit aggressive. The fact that these birds are protective of their chicks means that they are good parents.

What Age Can You Butcher Jersey Giant?

The best time to butcher a Jersey Giant is when it reaches 9 months. This is because it would have matured. These birds take 9 months for them to mature. So if you are keeping these types of chickens, you should wait up to 9 months before you can start enjoying them.

What Should I Feed My Jersey Giant Chicken?

You should feed your Jersey Giant chicken any feeds that you will give to regular chickens. You can also give them moderate amounts of fruits and vegetables. These birds are hardy in nature and can eat almost anything. They are actually even able to look for their own food.


Jersey Giant chickens are the largest breed of chickens in the world. They have a lifespan of 6 to 12 years but they can only lay eggs for up to 4 years. These birds take an average of 9 months for them to mature.