Can Cows Eat Peanuts

Can Cows Eat Peanuts?

Feed is the major cost driver in livestock farming, particularly dairy and beef production. The prices of feed have sky rocketed within the last few years to a certain level to some farmers and giving them difficulties in providing the herd with recommended rations. However, peanuts can be used as readily available feedstuff which can be economically advantaged as they can be a major source of essential nutrients and minerals to cows.

Arachis hypogaea is the scientific name of peanuts. Peanuts consist of different common names which include groundnut, goober, pindar and can also be referred as monkey nut. It is a leguminous plant grown for its edible seeds for both humans and animals. Cull whole peanuts which is also characterized as oil stock may offer a protein and energy supplement feed to livestock including beef cows. Case studies have proven that mature beef cows will consume raw, whole peanuts including the shell. Palatability of peanuts makes them very suitable for consumption by cows, although cattle can consume peanuts easily without experiencing detrimental effect on health and production, peanuts are supplemental feed and not be used for replacement of diets.


Nutritional Value

Essential nutrients and minerals that can be supplied includes, energy, protein and micro minerals, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese, sodium copper and Sulphur among others.  A couple of agricultural researches have noted that cows can feed on peanuts freely without any harm caused on health given that the feed is used properly. It is believed that peanuts have a notable positive impact on growth, development, heath and reproduction of a cow. According to researchers, whole groundnut contains 10 to 20% shell by weight, 6 to 8% moisture content, Crude protein (22-26%) and oil (36-44%) on dry matter basis. These contents of whole peanuts they provide supplemental energy and protein in circumstances whereby extra energy and protein are required by cows when grazing poor quality herbage.

Peanuts Supplements for Physiological Development

Protein is one of the most vital nutrient for growing livestock. Proteins is used as the standard to which feeds are measured. Therefore, since peanuts is one of the major source for protein, they are highly praised to be used to young cows which are yet to mature. For teeth and bone development purposes, cows can benefit much on peanuts and can offer positive impact on growth overall.  Cows which are subjected to dietary plans which consist of enough protein ration usually responds better than their counterparts. They are characterized to meet slaughter target weight timeously and resulting in realization of stipulated profits. Through consumption of peanuts cows can benefit trace minerals which are required by body for its functioning. Deficiency of trace minerals manifest after a while and eventually is correlated to a number of healthy related issues which can negatively affect the profits and agricultural venture success.

Peanuts Supplements for Milk Production

Lactating cows can supplement its feed using peanuts without experiencing any detrimental effects on milk production. Peanuts constitute of necessary proteins required for improved milk production. A couple of researchers stated that provision of protein is among the most vital nutrients in milk production. Forage play a significant role in dietary plans for cattle and can be referred as their staple feed, regardless of that forage often lack proteins. For that reason, peanuts are implemented as protein supplements and enabling the livestock unit to maintain higher production levels compared those solely relying on forage. Production levels are significantly improved and quality of any presumed cow by products can be enhanced as well. Long term high milk yields are highly allowed by provision of adequacy trace minerals which will result in increased profit margins.

Peanuts Supplements for Health Maintenance

Health is freeness from distress and diseases, stress can result from hungry animal and most disease are due to lack of certain nutrients. Feed is regarded as the most important            tool in animal health maintenance, for health sustenance cows can take peanuts. In order to achieve a well-balanced dietary plans for boosting the immune system, peanuts can be well incorporated and give a positive result in resistance against diseases. Oxidative stress that has a negative impact on produce quality caused by free radicals can be always fought against by a well-balanced dietary plan constituting adequate trace elements which can be proudly sourced from peanuts. As a result, through the incorporation of peanuts as supplements in dietary plans, cows are bound produce more, quality milk and meat with superior nutritional value.

Can Cows Eat Peanut Butter?

Peanut Butter is the byproduct of peanuts and many researchers have proven that cows can eat peanut butter. Some farmers can find peanut butter as readily available commodity. Some livestock feed producers especially from the west primarily develop peanut butter meant for cattle as supplements. The use of peanut butter as a supplement is just a matter of economics. Nevertheless, not standing with the point that peanut butter is marvelous supplement for protein source for cows, it does lack some vital minerals that’s why it’s always referred as feed supplement and it also contains a lot of fat. Provision of excess peanut butter to cows will result in excess soft fat throughout the carcass. Loose stool in cow may result due to overdose of proteins which will result in weight loss. With that being said it is very important for farmers to adhere strictly to recommended guidelines. Animal nutritionist, experts in animal nutrition states that a ration of 1.5 pounds of peanut butter should be given daily. Combining peanut butter with older hay in order to improve palatability is another way used by farmers in preparation of their cow feed.

Peanut meal

The meal is rich vegetable protein (48-50%) and it is manufactured through solvent extraction process whereby conditions are carefully controlled. The flakes from extraction are dried to remove the solvent and undergoes toasting and then milled to a finely ground material. The product is highly palatable which constitute a couple of essential and non-essential nutrients, this can be a major source of nutrition in animal feed for cows, poultry and rations for aquaculture. Peanut meal is an important source of protein, energy and various minerals.

In summary, peanut can be a major source for protein to cows served as raw, whole in shelled peanuts, peanut meal and butter. Protein is an essential nutrient for various processes in animal body which facilitate animal growth and maintenance. However, it is highly encouraged for farmers to strictly adhere to recommendations on protein supplements in order to avoid complications due to excess protein.