Can Cows Eat Peaches

Can Cows Eat Peaches?

Finding alternative sources of feed for your cows can save you money whilst, also boosting your cows nutrition levels. Below we look at whether you can add peaches to your cow’s diet and what the implications might be.


What Are Peaches?

Peaches are scientifically referred to as Prunus persica and they are a type of stone fruit that belong to the same family as apricots, plums and cherries. Peaches have a stone like central pit or seed and they have a fuzzy peel which is yellow or orange like in color.

Can Cows Eat Peaches

Yes cows can eat peaches since they can be digested by the rumen and they also contain vitamins and nutrients that are essential to the cow’s development. When feeding peaches to your cows, make sure you remove the pits or seeds as they are dangerous to cows. Peach pits contain a compound known as amygdalin that breaks down into a toxic chemical known as hydrogen cyanide when ingested by the cow. Therefore, it’s important that you cut your peaches into small pieces and remove the pits before giving them to your cows. It is also worth highlighting that peach leaves are also dangerous to cows so never try and offer your cow peach leaves as an alternative feed.

Nutrition And Health Benefits Of Peaches To Cows

Help With Digestion

One of the health benefits of peaches to cows is that they aid with digestion. This is because peaches contain fiber which helps to clear the digestive tract thus, minimizing the chances of constipation in the cow. When giving peaches to your cow, make sure that you cut them into pieces. It also worth noting that you should give your cows a moderate amount of peaches as they have the potential of causing stomach problems in cows when consumed in excess.

Improves Eyesight Of Cows

When cows eat peaches they have a higher chance of improving their eyesight. This is mainly because peaches contain beta carotene which is turned into vitamin A once digested by the cow. Vitamin A helps to promote good eyesight in cows thus, reducing the chances of your cow turning blind.

Boost Immune System

Another health benefit of peaches to cows is that they help to boost their immune system. Peaches are rich in vitamin C which is known to help the cow’s immune system to build strong antibodies to fight against certain diseases. Furthermore, peaches contain antioxidants that also help the body to fight certain illnesses. So if you have peaches you should consider adding them to your cow’s diet.

Contains Vitamin K

Peaches contain vitamin K which helps to strengthen bones and reduce blood clots in cows. Therefore, if you want you cow to have healthy bones you need to consider adding peaches to its diet.

Contains Magnesium

Another benefit of peaches to cows is that it contains magnesium which is an essential mineral that is needed by a cow. Magnesium helps to regulate nerve and muscle performance. Cows that have low magnesium in their bodies are usually less active. Therefore, if you want your cow to continue being active, its best to introduce peaches to its diet.

Are Peaches Bad For Cattle?

No, peaches are not bad for cattle. This is because they contain vitamins like vitamin A, C and K that boosts the cows’ health. Furthermore, peaches contain minerals like magnesium and potassium that help to strengthen a cows bones and regulate its blood pressure. The only part of a peach that is bad for cattle is the pit or stone or seed. This is because it contain a chemical known as amygdalin that turns into hydrogen cyanide when ingested by the cattle. Therefore, it’s important that you remove the pit or seed before giving the peaches to your cattle.

What To Avoid When Giving Cows Peaches

When giving cows peaches it is important to avoid giving them peaches as a whole fruit without taking off the stone or pit. This is because the pit of a peach contains cyanide which is extremely toxic to cattle. Therefore, always make sure that you remove it first. The other thing to avoid is treating peaches as a substitute for livestock feed. This is because the rumen of a cow is designed to digest grass as its primary source of food thus, replacing grass with peaches entirely can cause serious problems to your cow. Furthermore, peaches are highly sweet and this can cause stomach problems to your cow. Therefore, you should only treat peaches as a snack or supplementary feed for your cows rather than as a complete substitute for livestock feed.

What Fruits Can Cows Eat?

Peaches are not the only fruits that cows can eat. Below is a list of some of the most popular fruits that your cows can eat.

  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Pears
  • Blueberries
  • Watermelon
  • Oranges

Can Cows Eat Too Much Fruit?

No, cows cannot eat too much fruit. This is because most fruits are high in soluble sugars which can cause serious problems to your cows if they are consumed in excess. Therefore, it’s always important to give your cows a moderate amount of fruits.

Are Tomatoes Poisonous To Cows?

Ripe tomatoes are not poisonous to cows but on the other hand unripe tomatoes are poisonous to cows. This is because unripe tomatoes contain a compound known as tomatine which is highly toxic to cows and other animals like dogs and insects,

Are Orange Peels Good For Cows?

Orange peels are good for cows, this is because they contain roughage which helps with your cow’s digestion. Furthermore, orange peels are good for cows because they contain vitamin C which helps to improve the immune system of the cow. Therefore, the next time you have orange peels lying around, make sure you give them to your cows as they are very rich in vitamins and minerals.


While cows can eat peaches, the pit or stone tends to be poisonous to them. Therefore, it’s important to always remove it before you can even think of giving your cow a peach.