Can Cows Eat Oranges

Can Cows Eat Oranges?

Oranges are by far one of the most easily recognizable citrus fruits in the world. Only a very small amount of people can say to have never tasted or eaten an orange (or used products with oranges as an ingredient) in their lives before. Oranges have a unique sweet taste and that has aided them in their popularity. But although these orange-colored juicy citrus fruits are popular amongst humans, can they be said to taste good for other animals for instance a cow? Can cows eat oranges without there being any consequences in the end? Of course they can. Here’s more on that.


Cows Can Eat Oranges, Whole

As humans when consuming oranges we often peel off the outer layer to get a better scope of the juicy inner layer and for us to get the nutritional health (and tasty) benefits we want from oranges, that is enough. But for cows, this is different. They can consume or eat the orange whole without needing to have it peeled or de-seeded. But this, like in the case of humans, is very beneficial to the cow. The peel of the orange is said to be loaded with essential oils that help stabilize and boost the cows’ antimicrobial immune system. The orange peel is also packed with vitamins, so even before the cow tastes the pulpy center of the orange, it is already benefiting from the outer layer of the orange.

  • When you squeeze an orange peel, you will notice that some vapor and water-like substance squirts out. These are the aforementioned essential oils that are beneficial to the cow and are found in large amounts on the peel. We (as humans) may not need those essential oils in out systems, however there are various products that we use on a day-to-day basis that may contain these citrus oils because they’re said to be good for the skin and the body.

Why Would You Feed Your Cows Oranges?

First of all, the oranges are a great source of nutrition and boost the immunity of your cow. And cows are naturally drawn to the oranges so you wouldn’t have to force them to eat the fruit if they do not want to. Some animals may not like the orange (or the way they smell) because of their peel and you can waste a lot of valuable time peeling the oranges trying to get them ready. This cannot be said of cows because cows will eat the whole fruit and leave no traces of it.

  • When in season, oranges are very affordable, so you wouldn’t have to worry about the cost of feeding large animals like cows because it wouldn’t cost a lot. The whole orange is like medical pill to the cows because all the orange is composed of works together to ensure the cows gets the most out of it. For instance; the seeds can help improve the cows’ digestive system because they’ll act like roughage.

How To Feed Your Cows The Oranges

Oranges are very rich in nutrients and natural sugars (thus the sweet distinct flavor.) With this in mind, it is important to only feed the oranges to your cows in manageable sizes, do not overfeed your cows with oranges because it can lead to serious stomach and digestive complications with the cows. The same is true even for humans, one or two oranges a day is fine but six or more will have you visiting the bathroom non-stop.

  • So it is important that you feed the cows the oranges in amounts that would not prove to be harmful when they are done eating them.
  • A cow’s staple food is grass and should remain as such because that is where most of the nutrition they need to survive comes from. Therefore the oranges should only be introduced into the cow’s diet as some sort of treat to satisfy their taste bud’s needs a little.
  • As previously mentioned numerous times before, it would be good for the cow if you leave the oranges’ peels intact when you want to feed the cows. They appreciate this and so will you in the long run.
  • Citrus fruits like oranges are said to be highly acidic, so it would be wise to only feed them to your cows once or twice when they are in season (the amount should be dependent on the number of cows you have.) It also helps keep the cows happy and stress-free.

Nutrients In Oranges That Cater To The Cows’ Growth

  • Fiber – Or dietary fibre, consists of complex carbohydrates which are undigested when eaten by the cows and are therefore responsible for the passage of food and waste in the cows’ digestive systems. With the right amount (of oranges) this can help the cows adequately clean their guts without fail. And the seeds of the oranges (when ingested) also help boost this nutrient in the oranges.
  • Calcium – For healthy bones, healthy muscle tissue and correct nerve function; cows need calcium to fulfill the have the stated and oranges are rich in calcium. This mineral is very important for cows, especially pregnant cows.
  • Iron – Every living animal needs healthy blood in order to function correctly and continue living. That is possible with the presence of iron, which is responsible for promoting the growth of new blood cells and is also what is responsible for boosting the cows’ immunity when the orange is consumed and digested.


There are many more other nutrients that help cows develop that are present in oranges. But some things should not be overdone, and that is feeding your cows with sweet oranges. Cows can certainly eat oranges and in most cases almost many other fruits and vegetables that humans can too. There are times when you have to improvise in order to enrich a cow’s diet, oranges are perfect for that. Not only are oranges healthy for the cows (in adequate amounts) they may also prove to be very good for you too.